NaNoWriMo = NoNoNoNo

Actually, NaNoWriMo is going okay, provided that you define success in terms of what you've learned rather than what you've produced. I've blogged all about it on the Ruby Slippered Sister blog (the group blog for my fellow Golden Heart finalists).

In general, my writing is going really well right now; I'm feeling inspired and excited by Madeleine and Ferguson's story, and I'm looking forward to just getting on with it already. Unfortunately, I went through a bit of a slump in September and October; part of it is my natural despair over another birthday + the shortening days + the cooler weather, but most of it was because I didn't see the way forward with my second book. Now I do, and even if November is generally a bleak month until the saving grace of Thanksgiving, I'm in a much better mood.

What you won't see, however, is completely regular blogging here. There are only so many hours in the day, and given that I'm not published and only my mother reads this, there seems to be little point. Once the book sells, I'll blog more frequently; until then, please check back and get excited when something new appears :)