Everything you need to know about Sara Ramsey (headshots, Q&A, etc.) is below. If you need any additional information, please contact Sara at dearsara@sararamsey.com.

If you're a book reviewer and would like a complimentary copy of any of my books, please email me at dearsara@sararamsey.com. Please include a link to your blog (or Goodreads or other review site), which book you're interested in, and what format you prefer. If your blog looks like a good fit, I would be happy to send a review copy!

Short biography

Hopelessly uncool as a child, Sara Ramsey has overcompensated by becoming obsessed with fashion, shoes, and #regencyworldproblems. She has great taste in Champagne, bad taste in movies, and a penchant for tiaras. She also believes in taking naps, wearing sunglasses at night, and using Oxford commas. Sara currently lives in San Francisco, California, where she can be found drinking overly-artistic lattes and working on her next Regency historical romance.


My former manager interviewed me for an Authors@Google talk/Q&A – I discussed my writing process, self-publishing, the romance industry, and fielded the ubiquitous question about “50 Shades of Grey.”